
Wide and different horizon of the sea, whose boundless light watches over the mysteries submerged below the surface. The agile movement of a submarine, designed to explore the depth of the sea, but which can emerge at the right time to take one's position with courage.
It is exactly from these two elements, the sea and the submarine, that Dekker, historical brand of outerwear, was born, whose origin is linked to a legendary event.
The name derives from Ten Dekker, First Officer embarked on a submarine who, during an act of war, realizing that the target aimed by his torpedoes was a civilian ship, had the courage to stop the attack a moment before it was too late.
Thanks to this clear and in-depth look of Ten Dekker, which allows him to raise his point of view beyond the periscope and to overcome roles and sides, Dekker preserves the ethical legacy of the Brand.

Dekker is synonymous with adventure and freedom, personality and courage. Dekker invites us to go further or deeper, first with our eyes and then with our actions, where others do not dare, overcoming limits and rules.
In Dekker, rigorous and functional lines of the navy uniforms meet functional and versatile urban design, resulting in a contemporary and determined style.
Those who choose Dekker know how to go beyond appearances, to investigate the true soul of men and objects.
That same look, open and careful on a boundless sea, knows how to go deep down to reveal the authenticity of the design and the quality of the materials.